How to Setup a VPN on Your Router: As the world moves forward towards digitization in every sector, services become more and more accessible to people throughout the world. The internet can be a boon when used for the right reasons. However, such is not the case every time. The more the internet gives us access and eases our daily chores, the more it gives access to hackers, frauds, and similar gangs involved in cybercrimes as well.

This becomes especially dangerous when personal data gets involved, which is why it is recommended to use a VPN – a virtual private network. Installation of VPN helps in securing the traffic on your connected devices. VPNs not only help in securing your personal data but also are very useful for companies with an online presence. From a local mystery room bangalore to a global organization like Pepsico, all face the threat of breach of data security. A good VPN is the primary line of defense that companies should secure first.
While we understand that as much as people know about the importance of installing a VPN on the writer, only a handful are familiar with the process; hence, here is the step-by-step guide on how to set up a VPN on your router.
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1. Logging into the router
The first and foremost step to set up a VPN on your router is to log into it. You can do this by going through the user manual or contacting your service provider to help you gain access to the router. Most routers require you to enter your IP (Internet Protocol) address and log in. You can even use this chance to make changes to your router since most routers come set up with default passwords, which are not very hard to hack into.
2. Configuring the router
Your router’s firmware determines the steps for the configuration of your router. Some routers already come integrated with a functional VPN, while most would require configuring the settings and redirecting the traffic to a VPN server. We suggest you go through the user manual or the company website of your router to find the instructions specific to your router.
3. Test it out
Now that you have completed the mentioned steps for configuration, it is now time that you run it through and check if the connection is working or not. Your router will allow you to log in whenever you want, but only when at home. Please remember that you do not need a special router for a VPN setup. Most routers incorporate a VPN pretty conveniently.
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Some tips once you set up the VPN
- It can be very inconvenient at times to have to change the router settings time-to-time. Hence, we advise you to bookmark the address and then about changing the settings as per your convenience.
- Sometimes when we forget to switch off the VPN app, we are using it on our devices like phones and laptops. This causes a double coverage, somewhat like an overlap with your router VPN, and results in slower internet speed. We suggest that you use two routers at home, one with VPN configuration and one without. You can connect your devices that support VPN apps like phones and laptops to the router that is not configured and devices, like Smart TVs, that do not support any VPN apps to the configured router.
Why should you opt for a VPN setup for your router?
Having a VPN configured router carries numerous advantages. Below, we will be listing the pros of having a VPN configured router that will make you go for one right away!
- You receive constant VPN protection. Once all your devices are connected to the router, you never have to worry about security again. This applies in the case of literally every device in your house that is capable of connecting to a router. As long as your router keeps on working, protection is assured. Even when your devices are making any automatic transactions, you can be sure that it is not fraudulent. You are protected even when you are sleeping.
- All of your devices are safe—literally all of them. As stated above, any device that is capable of connecting itself to a router will be in safe hands. Moreover, this is true even in the case of devices that do not support any VPN apps.
- A lot of the time, it happens that the content we wish to access on streaming services is not available in the region we live in. This is where VPN tends to work its magic. You can get access to content that is not available in your region when connected to a router with a VPN configuration. So go ahead and enjoy all the content that you want to watch. Consider this a bonus advantage of having a VPN configured router.
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Final thoughts
We are living in an era where the currency has gone digital. Our online presence has increased the threat of our data leaking out any day. Hence, it is crucial that the more online exposure we provide ourselves with, we are also armed accordingly.
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