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Google on the Disappearance of Images in Certain Search Engine Result Pages

Google’s John Mueller has suggested a solution to a persistent issue concerning the absence of images in search results for recipe sites. However, recipe bloggers remain unconvinced or unsatisfied.

For several months, recipe bloggers have raised concerns about the disappearance of image thumbnails from their websites’ search engine result pages (SERPs). Previously, these bloggers enjoyed having thumbnail images displayed, but at some point, Google ceased showing them.

The recipe bloggers perceive this as a problem requiring resolution and have brought it to the attention of Search Liaison and John Mueller. Despite this, the issue persists.

Google on the Disappearance of Images in Certain Search Engine Result Pages

Mueller responded to one of the earliest posts in the discussion dating back to January 29th, where a recipe blogger noticed that a thumbnail image stopped appearing for their site in search results. They tweeted:


Hi. I saw today that Google is not showing any of my featured images, not one. From the most popular recipes to any other random one I checked.

Even if the picture appears in the Carousel (below the first one), it doesn’t appear in the list (second link). Help!”

Google SearchLiaison replied, indicating that they had forwarded the issue. Casey Markee, the founder of Media Wyse, provided additional context about the problem, suggesting that it might be widespread.

He posted on Twitter:

“FYI Danny, this is not a unique issue. We are seeing it on dozens of recipe sites.

Also, second issue, sites are reporting they can’t get any new recipes into the carousel in over a month!

I am going to have the sites tag you with specific examples where possible.”

Google SearchLiaison replied, stating that they had forwarded the report to the search team and assured that they would internally discuss Casey’s feedback too.

Google On Image Removal From Search Index

The discussion regarding missing images persisted into February and March, with a user from the home improvement sector highlighting that they were also affected by the absence of images in the SERPs.

@Sleblanc921 tweeted:

“It’s not just food bloggers, I’m in home improvement/ DIY and mine are gone too.”

Even travel bloggers reported experiencing missing images in the search results. Mueller addressed the most recent tweet by ensuring everyone that he had also forwarded the feedback to the search team.

He posted on Twitter:

“We did pass these on, and folks have been looking into the report…”

However, his tweet also included a caveat regarding the image thumbnails, stating that the images may not appear for all sites.

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Continuing his tweet:

“…but in general, we don’t guarantee that images are shown with search results, so sometimes things are just shown without them.”

The travel blogger, @flyingwithbaby, tweeted:

“Hi @JohnMu it seems to be affecting my site ( family travel) for every post- everyone else’s has an image next to theirs but mine have gone. Content is super helpful according to readers , own photos etc. and it’s harming what little has been left :-(“

In reply to the travel blogger, John Mueller reiterated his earlier response, providing a potential explanation for the disappearance of the images.

His tweet read:

“Like I mentioned, it’s not expected that every post / search result has an image next to it. I imagine things would look pretty cluttered if that were the case.”

@flyingwithbaby responded:

“I get that- but from my experience, it was all showing before and I’m unsure why my entire site is being singled out. Seems that others are having the exact same issue. It always showed before. …I’m not sure how more helpful this can be with personal experience, unique photos and content ( which others have copycatted) and then now even the image wiped off next to the search results.

It’s crippling John & so frustrating “

Indirect Statements Perpetuate Confusion

John Mueller’s response suggests that Google’s search results are functioning as intended. However, the ambiguity lies in the lack of explicit confirmation regarding the absence of a bug or outage. Mueller’s language, while not explicitly denying any issues, also doesn’t affirmatively address them. There could be constraints on disclosing specifics or possibly a lack of awareness regarding the need for a clearer statement to reassure users.

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Nonetheless, Mueller’s statement implies that there is no outage and that the reduced presence of image thumbnails represents the new norm.

Recipe bloggers have voiced concerns to Google SearchLiaison and John Mueller regarding the disappearance of image thumbnails that previously accompanied their search results. They noted a complete cessation of image display, affecting their visibility.

Image thumbnails in rich results play an important role in attracting clicks, and for food and recipe sites, which invest significant resources in food photography and recipe development, the loss of these thumbnails is particularly disheartening.

Moreover, the issue isn’t limited to recipe blogs but extends to home improvement and travel sites as well, suggesting a broader problem.

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