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How Will The Search Generative Experience Impact Local SEO and Businesses?

Discover the transformative effects of Search Generative Experience (SGE) on local SEO and businesses.

If you are a local business owner, it’s increasingly important to grasp Google’s latest Search Generative Experience (SGE) and adapt your local SEO strategies for optimal visibility, traffic, and revenue. The good news is that if your business has been following local SEO and content marketing best practices, you’re well-prepared to adjust to this evolving search landscape.

Artificial intelligence is rapidly reshaping how digital marketing works, including search engines, which are evolving to provide more interactive and direct results.

SGE, although still in its experimental phase and accessible through Google Labs in 120 countries, is poised to revolutionize how people engage with search results by integrating them directly into Google’s interface, offering a more interactive experience with additional content and link suggestions.

How Will The Search Generative Experience Impact Local SEO and Businesses

SGE uses several AI technologies such as natural language processing, machine learning, and deep learning, enabling search engines to understand user queries, process relevant content, and deliver appropriate responses.

The Search Generative Experience (SGE)

Traditional search engine results typically offer a list of links relevant to a user’s query, requiring them to explore deeper to find the best answer. The objective of Search Generative Experience (SGE) goes beyond this. Powered by advanced AI and language models, SGE aims to:

  • Synthesize Information: SGE doesn’t just find relevant websites; it analyzes web page content to extract specific facts and insights, presenting a concise answer directly in the search results. It’s more relevant for informational searches than navigation or commercial ones.
  • Understand Intent: SGE seeks to interpret the intent behind a user’s search, moving beyond keywords to understand the reason behind the query. This means local businesses should focus on problem-solving rather than mere sales pitches.
  • Offer Creative Solutions: In some cases, SGE can suggest solutions, showing a trend toward proactive problem-solving. However, this can also lead to AI “hallucinations.”
  • Provide Comprehensive Answers: Sometimes, a single answer isn’t enough. SGE allows for follow-up questions or deeper exploration, particularly important in industries with diverse approaches.

From a local search perspective, SGE improves the experience with a Places module, similar to a local pack, including citations, reviews, and other relevant local business details. A recent BrightEdge study shows that nearly half of SGE results in February 2024 included a Places module, especially prominent in local restaurant and travel searches but less so in other B2B and entertainment queries.

How Can Marketers Prepare for SGE?

How Does SGE Work?

Let’s clarify how SGE works using an example. Suppose a user searches for “Best Pepperoni Pizza Restaurants Near Me”

Here’s how SGE might proceed:

  • Location Detection: SGE accesses real-time location data to understand the user’s proximity (“near me”).
  • Information Gathering: It scans pizza restaurant websites, food recipe blogs, local park authority pages, etc., focusing on the user’s region.
  • Emphasis on “Pepperoni”: SGE identifies content within these sources specifically discussing pepperoni, not just general pizza information.
  • Potential Response: It may display a shortlist of suggested pepperoni pizzas, their recipes, a restaurant selling pizzas, how to make pizza gathered from websites, images sourced from relevant pages, and possibly information about relevant restaurant locations and services guide.

This presents an opportunity for local restaurants that sell pizza-related foods or products to appear in the search results, provided they offer relevant, trustworthy, and helpful content that Google can reference.

Impact of SGE on Local Search Results

How is SGE changing local search results pages (SERPs)?

Dominance of Google Business Profile: As organic website traffic may decline, having a high-performing Google Business Profile (GBP) with updated details, positive reviews, and relevant content will be crucial for visibility.

Importance of Featured Snippets: Businesses with content optimized for clarity, accuracy, and direct relevance to queries stand to gain from Featured Snippets, enhancing their visibility.

Evolution of Map Packs: While traditional local Map Packs remain significant, SGE introduces a Places module based on the search type. This module may include information from businesses in the Map Pack and add more businesses to offer comprehensive answers to users.

Effective SEO Strategy For The Age of AI-Powered Search

Focus on the Long Tail: According to a preliminary study by SE Ranking, SGE tends to prioritize long-tail keywords, where user intent is clearer and more specific.

Emphasizing User Intent: Search engines will improve their ability to understand why users are searching. Localized searches, such as those including “near me” or a specific location, will remain highly relevant.

Reduced Reliance on Traditional Results: There is a trend toward diminishing the importance of standard website listings, although they won’t vanish entirely. Some websites may experience a decrease of up to 30% in organic search traffic. However, this change also brings the optimistic outlook that SGE could attract higher-quality organic traffic, as users are better informed about their search queries.

How Local Businesses Can Thrive in the Age of SGE

To excel in the era of SGE, businesses must prioritize managing their online presence, delivering valuable and relevant content, showcasing Experience, Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness (E-E-A-T), and optimizing multimedia content like images and videos.

Here are specific areas to focus on:

Optimize Your Listings: Ensure that your business information is complete and accurate across your Google Business Profile (GBP) and other local listings. Many local businesses underestimate the importance of GBP and local directories, which can be as crucial, if not more so, than their website.

Become a Review Magnet: Positive reviews and high ratings play a significant role in SGE’s assessment of your business. Encourage satisfied customers to leave reviews and promptly respond to all feedback, showcasing your commitment to excellent service quality.

Conduct FAQ Audit: Start by identifying the most frequently asked questions by your customers. Transform the answers to these questions into dedicated content pieces on your website or blog. For instance, local automobile repair workshops may notice customers often inquire about oil change options. They can create specialized content to address this, such as a comprehensive FAQ page focusing on how to change automobile engine oil.

Proper Use of Structured Data: Search engines thrive on structured information as they navigate the web. Integrating Schema markup code into your website enables Google to access structured data about your business, leading to a clearer comprehension of your content.

Schema eliminates ambiguity by providing a kind of “instruction manual” for search engines. It acts as an organized label that specifies details such as:

  • Business Category: Whether you’re a restaurant, a retail store, or a service provider like a plumber.
  • Location: Precise address details rather than just the city name.
  • Operating Hours: Clear information about your business hours and any holiday schedule adjustments.
  • Services: A detailed list of the services you offer.
  • Reviews and Ratings: Aggregated star ratings from your website or other sources.
  • Additional Information: Schema can consist of menus, pricing, upcoming events, and more.

While SGE is a new development that will continue to evolve, Schema provides a standardized format. This ensures that even if search engine result presentations change, your fundamental data will remain easily accessible and comprehensible during crawling.

Google on Performance Max results and SGE

Keyword Research: Expand your keyword research beyond basic terms related to your services or products. Consider the problems your target audience seeks solutions for that your business can address. Explore the questions they might ask within your niche and target long-tail keywords to create content that directly tackles these queries.

Answering Questions Clearly: Organize your content into easy-to-understand question-and-answer formats. Creating FAQs and clear content sections that address common queries can increase your chances of appearing in SGE results.

Focus on Hyperlocal Content: Highlight your specific neighborhood and surrounding areas in your content to improve your local relevance. Collaborate with other local businesses or participate in community events to strengthen your local authority.

Prioritize Mobile Optimization: Given the prevalence of mobile searches, especially for local inquiries, it’s essential to ensure your website is optimized for smaller screens and loads quickly.

E-E-A-T is Essential: Expertise, Experience, Authority, and Trustworthiness (E-E-A-T) are critical signals for SGE. It’s vital that the content accessible to SGE showcases your deep understanding of your offerings. Highlight credentials, accolades, or endorsements that validate your trustworthiness, not just on your website but also on reputable external platforms.

Optimizing Visual Content: Ensure your images and videos have descriptive file names and alt-text, using location data where relevant, as these assets are likely to be featured in SGE results. Include captions for images and transcripts for videos. Showcase visuals that highlight your local surroundings and reinforce your local identity.

Building Authority through Links: A robust local SEO plan should integrate linking, both outbound (to reputable, relevant local/industry websites) and inbound (from similar sources), to give Google more signals of a business’s local presence and industry focus, thereby strengthening its authority in these areas.

Effective Local SEO for Businesses Without Physical Address

For instance:

  • A local med spa that uses a specific piece of equipment in its services can link to a comprehensive product page on the manufacturer’s website.
  • The same med spa can acquire a listing and link to its service page through a partner directory available on the manufacturer’s website.

Approach AI Content Generation Thoughtfully: Although there’s a push for more content creation and the emergence of generative AI, it’s crucial to resist the urge to rely solely on machines for content generation. A recent Google algorithm update penalized many websites that took this shortcut. The priority should always be on quality rather than quantity, and here are several reasons why AI-generated content often falls short in quality:

Accuracy Issues: AI-generated content may lack factual accuracy, especially in specific or niche topics. This can impact your E-E-A-T and harm your reputation, so ensure thorough fact-checking.

Lack of Originality: AI struggles to produce truly original content, often resulting in generic and repetitive text. SGE may disregard such content in its responses.

Missing the ‘Why’: Effective content not only answers ‘what’ but also ‘why.’ AI may provide factual answers but often lacks the ability to explain reasoning or provide valuable insights from human experience. While AI can assist in creativity, initial drafting, or proofreading, ensures human input and oversight to add authenticity and depth to your content.

Inconsistent Voice: Maintaining a consistent brand voice is crucial for building trust. AI-generated content may sound robotic or disjointed, failing to capture your brand’s unique personality.

How To Use Schema Markup To Foster Trust And Enhance Information Gain

Monitor and Adapt: As SGE evolves, SEO practices will also change. Use local SEO monitoring tools to track changes in your authority and visibility. Stay updated and be prepared to adjust your content strategy accordingly.

Embrace the Potential of SGE for Your Business

The advent of Search Generative Experience (SGE) brings both challenges and opportunities for local businesses. Like Google, the aim of a local business should be to help customers with comprehensive information, aiding them in making informed and confident purchasing choices.

By grasping how SGE operates, emphasizing valuable and relevant content, showcasing Expertise, Experience, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness (E-E-A-T), and prioritizing user experience, you can position your small business for success amidst the evolving search engine landscape. This is a call to truly understand your customers, deliver value, and use technology in a customer-centric manner.

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