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How To Control Bard and Vertex AI Training Data Access on Your Websites

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Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) is an AI systems and models that can generate new content, such as text, images, or other forms of data. Unlike traditional AI models that are designed for specific tasks and operate based on predefined rules, generative AI systems are trained on large datasets and can produce novel and creative outputs.

One notable type of generative AI is the generative model, which includes approaches like Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) and Variational Autoencoders (VAEs). These models learn patterns and features from existing data and then generate new instances that share similarities with the training data. GANs, for instance, consist of a generator network that creates data and a discriminator network that evaluates the generated data against real data, leading to an adversarial training process that enhances the generative capabilities of the system.

Generative AI finds applications in various fields, including natural language processing, computer vision, art generation, and more. It has the potential to create realistic content, simulate diverse scenarios, and contribute to creative tasks. However, it also raises ethical considerations, such as the potential for generating misinformation or deepfakes, and prompts discussions about the responsible and ethical use of AI technologies.

How To Control Bard and Vertex AI Training Data Access on Your Websites

Amid the rapidly changing terrain of generative artificial intelligence (AI), Google has endeavored to cultivate a harmonious environment for both web publishers and AI progress.

Google introduced Google-Extended, serving as a control mechanism helping web publishers to decide the extent and manner in which their sites play a role in augmenting Google Bard, Vertex AI generative APIs, and upcoming AI models.

This initiative seems rooted in the principles of responsible AI development, aligning with Google’s longstanding AI values and dedication to consumer privacy.

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What Is Google-Extended?

Google-Extended functions as a “standalone product token designed for web publishers to control their sites’ contribution to enhancing Bard and Vertex AI generative APIs” along with the associated AI models.

Although Google-Extended does not have a distinct HTTP request user agent string, crawling operations are conducted using existing Google user agent strings, leveraging the robots.txt user-agent token for control purposes.

Here’s an illustrative entry for your robots.txt file:

User-agent: Google-Extended
Disallow: /paywall-content/
Allow: /

In this instance:

  • User-agent: Google-Extended specifies that the ensuing rules pertain to Google-Extended.
  • Disallow: /paywall-content/ instructs Google-Extended to refrain from accessing or using content in the “paywall-content” directory for the improvement of Bard and Vertex AI generative APIs.
  • Allow: / instructs Google-Extended to access and utilize content from all other site directories for the improvement of future AI products.

This development emphasizes the delicate balance between advancing AI technology and safeguarding the autonomy and interests of web publishers.

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Managing Access of Artificial Intelligence to Website Content

As the influence of AI expands into diverse industries, web publishers face the complex challenge of overseeing access to their content for AI training data. In response, Google has expressed its dedication to actively collaborating with web and AI communities, exploring additional machine-readable channels to provide greater choice and control to web publishers.

Publishers wishing to prevent the utilization of their content in upcoming OpenAI models may also explore the GPTbot as a means of imposing limitations or restrictions on access.

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