Writing is a difficult but indispensable skill in mastering a foreign language. It consolidates and develops all skills and knowledge of language subsystems, making the didactic process coherent and transparent. Unfortunately, writing is often at the margins of teaching, so we will try to show its virtues. At the same time, The Cheap Custom Papers offering more hints about writings. Indispensable Skill In Language Education
Writing is not a readily taught skill for many reasons. The most important is the lack of proper preparation of learners in terms of content and underestimating the importance of this skill. Not everyone is aware that while mastering it. It also exercises and develops listening and reading comprehension skills, speaking, and language subsystems. Writing is a valuable melange of all language activities. However, it is not easy to learn and teach. Moreover, it cannot be easy to improve and evaluate work.
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In this article, we outline the most important problems that make it difficult for teachers to develop and train these valuable foreign language teaching skills a highlight the mistakes most often made.
In distinguishing between writing and saving
The concept of writing is blurred, imprecise – it refers both to the act (act) of writing and the text’s production as a monolith is one of the basic methodological errors.
The act of writing
The thing is about proper mastery of the writing (the alphabet and spelling rules) and the ability to rewrite (copy) and write (e.g., by listening). In didactics of foreign languages, it is assumed that the learner can do this. So he ignores this issue unless the students do not know the Latin alphabet. They write from right to left, from top to bottom, etc. However, in “standard” cases, it is worth looking at the learners’ writing. How letters are assembled, and their shapes, especially when foreigners put diacritical marks, as many models themselves in their native languages. Indispensable Skill In Language Education
Act of Writing
In other words, some interferences make it difficult for the teacher to read and improve the transcript. But above all, they can adversely affect the results of the exams. In addition, if the student has to focus on putting the letters correctly, it does not happen automatically; usually, the style and composition suffer, grammatical errors and lexical errors multiply. The content is “lost,” and the learner often lacks time to complete the task.
To many students, it seems that their pupils “write” if they perform such exercises as (among others):
Answers to questions, e.g., What did you do last night? I read a book yesterday evening. Transformations, e.g., conversion to plural/feminine: The boy built a sandcastle. The boys built a sandcastle. The girls built a sandcastle. Filling gaps with words from the word bank (from the “frame”) – this is rewriting (sometimes with the need to transform the basic form into the indicated). Completing (completing or starting) sentences – these operations are usually based on substitution and/or imitation techniques.
Tasks of this type are beneficial in language education. Even indispensable in preparing the student for the independent production of written statements. Still, they have the characteristics of controlled writing, which by definition is not creative.
Written text production
Text production can combine words that make up complete sentences and those into a larger whole. It is also a way to consolidate a conceived or spoken text.
Writing at school (during studies/courses) can be described as educational. It is strongly focused on the forms and the language side of the speech. It is based on composition, which means the style and arrangement of content elements (including introduction, ending, explicit or hidden plan, consistency) and editing, i.e., introducing changes in the structure and content of the text. They are accompanied by an auto-correction consisting of adjustment (substantive and stylistic processing of statements) and verification (checking the accuracy of terms, wording, spelling). All these activities must be treated separately, although they cannot be categorically separated.
Text Production
Most learners mistakenly assume that if their students have already finished high school. They can produce the text by transferring acquired skills. This may happen, but these are rare cases, which depend largely on the linguistic biography type of the learner, i.e., if a person has received a careful education, knows other cultures and languages - in the learning of the next code, a positive transfer may occur. However, in general, everyone needs to be taught to write from scratch because it is not a natural skill in the first or the next language. It is also worth considering that individual forms (especially utility magazines) have their own characteristics, and there is no question of their positive transfer. Indispensable Skill In Language Education
In terms of writing skills, teachers belong to the so-called social minority – groups of people who professionally deal with writing. So they are talented in this matter, and they subconsciously expect it from students. But, at the same time, most of them have no talent, which should be accepted and patiently overcome all the steps leading to creating the correct text, i.e., independent creative writing.
Unskillful teaching
It is common for teachers to write home essays “dry” without any preparation. This is a cardinal mistake, which for teachers has the effect of tedious improvement and problems with assessment. In students, it creates frustration and often causes a loss of time disproportionately large concerning the task, and as a result, no one gains anything. You should be aware that writing skills cannot be developed independently, e.g., at home, and besides – that it is a multi-element and complicated process.
Elements of the educational writing process
Learners, often without adequate substantive knowledge, do not apply the paradigm of the procedure, which consists of the following elements. Rules for creating a given form, examples, complementary exercises on model texts, group writing skills, discussion and teacher correction, introductory techniques ( before individual writing), writing the first version, improving by the learner, author’s correction and writing the second version.
Implementation of the educational writing process
The learner should be acquainted with three texts, which are examples of the given form. But they should be from the lower level because they are only intended to help in this procedure. However, this is not about reading or listening to them, but about performing various operations that make them tame, closer, “more own.”
It allows them to remember them better and understand their instruction on the other hand. Only Only read the text, which is also a pattern, is foreign, less memorable. In short, if the learner wants to enter an application, prepares three texts in this form. One for listening, the other for reading, the third may be dictated or translated.
Everyone is provided with exercises that are characteristic of understanding (true/false, filling gaps, matching, answering questions, etc.) or linguistic (grammatical transformations, lexical and spelling tasks, etc.). At the same time – in these or other exercises. The teacher introduces the necessary vocabulary, meta-text determinants, recalls (and not only then introduces!) Punctuation, grammar rules, etc., shows the rules of creating an application (at the beginning of the lesson or only after all exercises). Indispensable Skill In Language Education
Later, there must be writing in pairs or groups, in the classroom, under the watchful eye of a learner who helps, explains, directs, hints analyzes, and corrects. It happens regularly. Face to face, learners have the opportunity to ask questions and share the results with other listeners in the form of reading their applications out loud. Only a student prepared in this way can write the assignment in a newly learned form on their own (in class or at home)