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Tips for Storing and Handling Dangerous Products

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The storage of dangerous substances is of vital importance to avoid possible accidents. There are many laboratories, workshops, or factories that need to store these types of products. If they are not stored and handled adequately, accidents can affect human health and the environment. Tips for Storing and Handling Dangerous Products

In general, those known as dangerous products and causing accidents by themselves can also react to contact with other substances, so it is essential to store and classify them properly, following the necessary safety measures that promote the well-being of all.

Caution when working with hazardous materials is not only based on their handling; it is equally important to store these substances safely and correctly to maintain the level of safety, even when the hazardous materials are out of sight, for example, in the containers.

Dangerous products, if stored correctly, do not cause problems, but you have to know what safe storage is all about.

Tips for Storing and Handling Dangerous Products

Know the Product

It is important to know each of the products or substances stored and the amount of each of them. In this way, the dangerousness of their storage and the compatibility between the various substances can be determined. Therefore, they can avoid accidents like reactions.

All classified as dangerous products or substances must have their Safety Data Sheet (FDS) to know the amount of dangerous substance to store. In addition, it must make the supplier of the substance known and must be located in a visible and accessible place.

In the Safety Data Sheet, you can find all the characteristics of each product or a dangerous substance, such as its boiling point, its toxicity, storage, its effects on health, how to act in case of an accident … etc. Thanks to this information, it is easier to store them in a compatible way.

The main objective with which these safety data sheets are made is to avoid risks when handling or storing dangerous products. In this sense, it is essential to emphasize that workers must have training on them to understand this information.

If a product does not have a Safety Data Sheet, it is important to analyze them carefully to discover all the information related to the substance, such as environmental effects, toxicity, reactivity … etc. In this way, its dangerousness can be estimated.

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Adequate Facilities

In addition to knowing the product, it is also essential to have adequate facilities to store it correctly. On some occasions, some workshops or factories must condition them to store these chemicals more safely.

To ensure proper storage of dangerous products, the facilities must have good ventilation. So they store toxic or flammable substances since an explosion could occur.

On the other hand, it is also imperative to avoid heat sources, as they can cause accidents. It is also important that the electrical installation is explosion-proof and that fire-resistant closures are used. Access to entry and exit doors must always be clear.

In addition, you must always have fire-fighting measures and also with drainage systems to control possible spills of dangerous substances. No other activities must be carried out in the hazardous products storage area since a simple spark or heat source can lead to a fire or explosion.

To consider the necessary safety conditions in the facilities for the storage, loading, unloading, and handling of dangerous substances, there is the Regulation for the storage of chemical products (RD 105/2010), which includes all the regulations in this regard.

Specific Storage Systems (Tips for Storing and Handling Dangerous Products)

Once you have adequate facilities that comply with the regulations, choosing the most appropriate storage systems for chemicals for each case is time. This aspect is also of vital importance to avoid possible accidents.

That the containers and metal cabinets or shelves are suitable for storing dangerous substances is very important to avoid the corrosive effect of these products. Each of them requires specific storage conditions, and it is imperative to take all of them into account. Tips for Storing and Handling Dangerous Products

For example, plastic containers must always be approved and kept in places protected from sunlight and cold. They do not distort. Glass containers are only recommended for storing small quantities, as they are very fragile.

These containers, for example, can be stored on shelves with collection trays, which are specially designed for manual storage and handling of dangerous liquid products. They have a load capacity per level of 200kg and are adjustable in height to adapt them according to needs.

Tips for Storing and Handling Dangerous Products

Security cabinets are also another suitable alternative for storing dangerous products. Still, the specifications of each substance must always be taken into account, such as whether it is flammable, corrosive … etc. It is also important to use safety closures in each container. Tips for Storing and Handling Dangerous Products

The truth is that there are numerous options for storing dangerous products currently on the market. Still, to choose the most appropriate one, it is always essential to consider the substance to be stored and its amount. In this way, no accident will occur, which is the main objective.

Among the best alternatives are steel collector buckets, which allow you to store dangerous chemicals in complete safety. There are also polyethylene collecting buckets, closed buckets, metal buckets for drums, or steel tanks, among many other options.

And as for storage solutions that facilitate the subsequent handling of the dangerous product. The Inclined Barrel Support is one of the best since it facilitates the emptying of barrels of up to 200 kilograms. Something that is undoubtedly very important when they must be handled. These substances.

Organization of Products (Tips for Storing and Handling Dangerous Products)

Once you have adequate facilities and the correct chemical storage systems. It is time to organize the containers considering the dangerousness of each substance and the compatibility between them. This step is vitally important so that unwanted accidents do not occur.

Dangerous substances can be differentiated according to their levels of danger; in this way, they can be differentiated between those that are explosive, oxidizing, flammable, toxic, or corrosive. It’s best to label them according to their level of risk so that they can be easily identified.

Ideally, keep hazardous chemicals separate, always taking into account the incompatibilities between substances. Then it is time to group them considering their characteristics, although some of them, such as toxic or explosive or carcinogenic, must be completely isolated.

In the case of joining some containers of corrosive substances. The idea is to keep them separated with trays or retention buckets so that in this way if there is any spill. it can be stopped safely and quickly. Keep in mind, however, keep containers can always break.

Other Aspects to Consider

Regarding the storage and handling of dangerous products, it is important to pay special attention to the stock of dangerous substances stored in the workshop or factory. The ideal is to keep it to a minimum, and only have the quantities of dangerous products necessary.

In this way, major accidents can be avoided since they can be isolated more easily in the event of any occurrence. Furthermore, this also significantly reduces the risks that may appear during handling. Also, it is not advisable to store them for a long time since the containers wear out.

On the other hand, it is also vitally important to pay special attention to handling this type of product or dangerous substance. In this sense, it is vital to inform all workers in this regard. So that in this way everyone knows the procedures they have to carry out.

How To Handling Dangerous Products

In addition, workers must also know all the risks derived from the storage and handling of chemical products. It is also vital to have a place where workers can clean themselves in contact with a toxic substance, such as showers.

Of course, it is essential to establish an emergency plan in an accident; in fact, it is mandatory. It must include all emergencies that may occur in the facilities, the way that has been established to control them, and the actions that external services must carry out.

As you can see, all these tips are essential when storing and handling dangerous products in any workshop or factory. By following all of them to the letter and paying attention when carrying out tasks in this regard, many accidents can be avoided, which in these cases are usually fatal.

By adapting the facilities and acquiring adequate storage systems to draw up an emergency plan. These are vital aspects to consider since thanks to the safe storage of dangerous chemical substances can be achieved.

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