Basics of Business Advertising: Advertising is one of the best-known ways of marketing your business, and many people assume that all marketing is about advertising. Although that’s not strictly speaking the truth, advertising is one of the most important ways of letting your customers know about your company and products and getting them to buy from you. Advertising isn’t just about putting up an information Free directory about your products and prices though. It can also be used to tell customers about new products you have launched, or just to give them basic information about where you are located or your hours of opening.
Targeting Your Advertising
The internet makes it easier than ever to get your adverts directly to the people who are most likely to buy from you. This is one of the downsides of traditional advertising; if you advertise on TV or in a newspaper, your advert will be seen by a large number of people who would not be interested in your product. Online advertising makes it easier as you can pay for your advert to be displayed when specific keywords are entered, or identify a Facebook page that is followed by a lot of the people who you would class as your customers. Of course, you can only target in this way if you have a clear picture of who is buying from you. If you are not sure about who your customers are, consider the best ways to gather this data.
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Internet and Online Directories
50 years ago, the first step many businesses would have taken was to organize a listing in the town’s paper business directory. These business directories are still around but have moved online. Getting your business listed on sites such as the business directory allows customers to search through businesses either by geographic location or by business sector. Just as with the old-fashioned paper directories, a basic business listing is free of charge, but you might choose to pay a bit extra for a premium, larger advertising spot.
Pay Per Click or Pay Per View Advertising
If you are just starting off with advertising online, one of the best ways to get going is to look at either pay-per-click or pay-per-view advertising. These are the little “sponsored” adverts that appear on a Google search when you enter specific keywords. The cost of these adverts can vary hugely and will depend on how popular the keywords you are targeting are. If you are operating in a very niche marketplace though, without many competitors, this can be an effective way of bringing customers to your website.
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Creating the Adverts
Big businesses use advertising agencies to create their adverts for them, but this is often out of the reach of small businesses. If you are just getting started, then you can make your own adverts. Just don’t try to be too fancy; keep things simple and make sure you are getting across the main points to your customers clearly and effectively. It’s a good idea to create one basic advert, where you can change the text and images where required.
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