How to recall emails in Outlook: Outlook makes it simple to retrieve a previously read email. The desktop application provides a helpful feature that allows the user to recall and even replace a message that they either do not wish to send or would like a second chance to reword. It’s simple but not necessarily obvious, which is why we’re here to help walk you through how to recall an email (or message, as the app refers to them) in Outlook. Although it’s simple, it’s not necessarily obvious.
It is important to keep in mind that the web-based version of Outlook does not support the recalling of messages; this feature is only available in the desktop client. Additionally, in order for them to function properly, both you and the recipient must be affiliated with the same organization and use a Microsoft Exchange or Microsoft 365 account. Recalling messages in Outlook is not possible with recipient email addresses that are associated with organizations other than the one sending the message.
How to retrieve an email in Microsoft Outlook
To retrieve old email messages, you will need to use the desktop version of Outlook, which isn’t such a big deal considering that it is one of the most reliable email clients that you can download.
When using the most recent version, launch the client and select Home as the first step in getting started.
- To view the emails that you have already sent, use the menu on the left side of the screen and select Sent items.
- Locate the message in Outlook that you would like to recall and double-click on it. The email will appear in a new tab or window when you click this.
- Ensure that the Message tab is selected in the email window before continuing. Choose the three dots located on the right side of the toolbar, move your mouse over Actions, and then pick Recall this message from the drop-down menu that appears.
- If you do not see the three dots, select Move from the toolbar, then select Actions, and finally choose the option to Recall this message.
- There is a new window that has popped up on your screen. You can either Delete Unread Copies of This Message or Delete Unread Copies and Replace With a New Message from this screen. Both options are available to you. You will also see an option that allows you to have Outlook notify you regardless of whether the process is successful or unsuccessful. To proceed, click the OK button after making your choice(s) in the drop-down menu. Congratulations, if you were able to delete the message! Continue on if you want to replace it with something else.
- If you select to make a replacement, Outlook will bring up a second screen for you to use in order to make changes to the message. While you are working on a new email, Outlook will automatically recall your previous message and show you a notification. When you are finished modifying the message, all you need to do is click the Send button.
Note: Even if you send a message to recall an email, it won’t necessarily delete the message from your inbox. It’s possible that the recipient needs to open the recall message before the original message will be deleted from their inbox. Because of this, you need to put the word “URGENT” or something comparable in the title of the recall message to ensure that it is opened before the first offensive email. Proceed to the following paragraphs for a more in-depth explanation. Microsoft adds that, in certain circumstances, the recipient may be notified when recalled messages are deleted from their inbox. This is something that the company says may occur. Therefore, it is important to keep in mind that even if you recall an email, the recipient may still be aware that an inappropriate or erroneous message was sent to them, even if they are unable to view the email.
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What to do if you can’t recall an email in Outlook
If the recipient of your message has already accessed it in Outlook, you will not be able to recall it. You can configure Outlook in such a way that it gives you additional time to reconsider sending a message before it actually does so.
You have the option in Outlook to delay the sending of your emails, preventing them from being delivered instantly. You may want to start delaying or even scheduling your emails in Outlook if you find that you are frequently required to respond to emails, exchange confidential information with others, or are just prone to making mistakes in general. If you follow these straightforward instructions, configuring this feature for use with all of your Outlook emails will be a breeze:
- Select File in the upper-left corner of Outlook.
- Scroll down a bit and click Manage Rules & Alerts.
- The Rules and Alerts window will pop up on your screen. From here, select the New Rule option.
- Another pop-up window will appear. Here, click Apply Rule on Messages I Send. You’ll notice that this is listed underneath Start From a Blank Rule. Hit the Next button to continue.
- Don’t worry about anything else on the conditions list and click Next to continue. After this, a confirmation screen will appear. Select Yes to confirm.
- Select the Defer Delivery By a Number of Minutes option. Choose the A Number of link. You’ll see a pop-up screen appear and you’ll be asked to choose your preferred duration. Input the number you want (120 minutes is as far as you can go) and then click the OK button. Once you’ve gone through all that, click Next.
- If you have any exceptions, select the exceptions options you want. Then, click the Next button to continue.
- Give your rule a name, and check the Turn On This Rule checkbox if it’s available. Finally, hit the Finish button.
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Frequently Asked Questions on Recalling Messages in Outlook
What causes the recalling of emails in Outlook to sometimes fail?
Recalling an email in Outlook won’t always work the way you expect it to, despite the fact that it sounds fairly straightforward. Because of the speeds of today’s internet connections (unless you live in a dead zone), the erroneous email is probably already waiting in the inbox of someone else, which results in a number of problems. Trying to remember a message will be difficult for you due to a number of different factors.
After an hour, are you still able to recall an email?
After an hour has passed, you will have the ability to recall an email. If the recipient has not yet opened the message, you will be able to recall an email sent from Outlook as long as that condition is met. However, you should move quickly because the recall will be rendered ineffective as soon as the email is opened.
Does a recalled email in Outlook make the recipient aware of the situation?
No, the recipient will never be aware that an email was recalled as long as the initial message is never opened. They won’t see the first email you sent them because it will be replaced with the second one you sent.
When considering previously read messages in Outlook:
If a recipient opens your initial email, you will no longer be able to recall its contents. The recipient will continue to receive and be able to read the second recall message, but the initial message will remain in their Outlook inbox. One of the many reasons why you need to move quickly is because of this.
Links that take you to other folders:
In the event that your initial message triggered a filter and Outlook redirected it to a particular folder, your recall attempt will be unsuccessful. The option to recall only applies to messages that are still present in the inbox. If the first message waits somewhere else, it won’t disappear until it is read.
Links that take you to other folders:
The recall is invalidated in the event that anybody reads your message while it was hiding in a public folder.
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Additional e-mail client types:
Outlook messages can be recalled using the function provided by Outlook. You won’t be able to use the recall feature, for instance, if you send an email to a recipient who uses Gmail.
There are still ways for the recipient to read your message even after you have recalled an Outlook message. This feature is not foolproof. However, if you act quickly, you can still undo what you’ve done to an Outlook email before it causes any damage.
To become a power user of the Outlook client, the first thing you need to do is learn how to recall emails. If you are interested in going into more detail, we have compiled a list of seven features that are available in Outlook that you most likely were unaware of. There are also three ways that we can help you keep your Outlook inbox organized, one of which is to automatically file your emails in the appropriate folders.
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