Washing Machines are an integral part of human lives. We are pretty much dependent on washers for wearing dirt-free clothes. As consumers, we are quite concerned about the cleaning efficiency of the washing appliance because clothes directly impact one’s own confidence.
In this article, we will put some light on how to choose the best detergent for different washing machine types and how using the right detergent material is important for the cleaning performance and durability of the best washing machines in India.

There are multiple ways to do laundry. Some use automatic washing machines, some use semi-automatic versions, and there is still an array of regions where people find it the most convenient to do hand washing.
Likewise, there are many detergent types available to choose from. However, due to a lack of awareness, consumers make the mistake of using incompatible detergent types. For example, you can’t use the same detergent powder in a high-end front-load washing machine that you use in a semi-automatic washing machine.
Majorly, in the Indian market, you will find two types of detergent, that’s in powder and liquid form. But how are these detergents different?
The major factor in the formation of suds
When you wash your garments with your own hands or even in semi-automatic washing machines. There is no threshold to the amount of water used for washing. Therefore, you can use the water pipe and use water according to your choice. Which helps in thoroughly diluting the detergent and cleaning the tough stains from the textile surface.
In automatic washing machines. You must have heard that you must have experienced some white patches on the garment surface after washing if you use detergent powder.
Those patches are actually the residue deposits of detergent. Which happens because suds don’t get enough water to dissolve detergent thoroughly. Therefore, if you are an automatic machine user, it is strictly recommended to use only a liquid detergent.
Otherwise, powders can seriously deteriorate the quality of the wash and the durability of an automatic machine in the long run.
Shortly, Let’s see some benefits of using liquid detergents.
- The most important benefit is liquid detergents dissolve very rapidly, and hence there are no chances of white detergent patches on the textile surface.
- If compared with powder detergents, liquid ones require quite less water to mix well.
- Often, especially in summer, when garments usually require stronger treatments to get rid of the tough and sticky stains. At that time, using larger quantities of powder detergent solemnly leads to some harmful after-effects on fabric life. However liquid detergents are very gentle with the color and life of the fabric.
- Liquid detergents are more suitable for automatic washers. You can use inbuilt detergent dispensers to use the appropriate amount of liquid concerning the different load sizes on different days of the week.
To conclude, It’s okay to use powder detergent. If you are a semi-automatic washing machine operator or used to doing your laundry on your own. But if you want to or are already using an updated automatic variant, never deploy powder detergents. They reduce the quality of the wash you can get and for what you have paid while buying the best washing machines in India.