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The Changes Every Marketer Needs to Implement in Paid Media Marketing for 2024

The primary objective of paid media is to improve brand visibility and drive traffic. As digital marketing progresses, your strategy must evolve accordingly. Currently, the predominant theme in paid media is undoubtedly AI and machine learning.

With paid media platforms becoming increasingly intelligent and integrating AI into campaign workflows and optimizations, marketers need to stay abreast of these advancements. On the flip side, maintaining user privacy remains paramount while leveraging AI effectively.

So, what significant changes should you consider as a marker for your paid media marketing strategy in 2024? Here are some changes you should seamlessly integrate.

Changes Every Marketer Needs to Implement in Paid Media Marketing

Reevaluate Google Tags

If your conversion tracking relies on Google tags, this change demands attention. In January 2024, Google implemented an update to its Consent Mode specifically impacting marketers targeting users within the European Economic Area (EEA).

This update needs prompt action by March 2024 to maintain access to ad personalization and remarketing features within Google Ads. In essence, the Consent Mode requires modification to align tracking behavior with user interactions regarding consent banners on websites.

The update introduces two new parameters to Consent Mode:

  • ad_user_data: Determines the transmission of user data to Google for advertising purposes.
  • ad_personalization: Dictates the activation of personalized advertising (remarketing) for users.

Considering the tightening of privacy regulations in the United States, it wouldn’t be surprising if such measures become mandatory for US advertisers in the foreseeable future. In 2024, it is important to embrace the discomfort of dealing with imperfect data due to evolving privacy regulations.

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Use Influencers In Your Marketing Strategy

Both small and large influencers offer valuable opportunities, provided their audiences align with yours. Even brands with modest follower counts can leverage influencer marketing to significantly impact their market presence. Identify key influencers within your niche and assess the cost per acquisition (CPA) for collaborating with each one as building relationships with influencers, particularly prominent ones, requires investment.

Establish mutually beneficial partnerships to generate more leads for your brand while compensating influencers appropriately.

Use influencer marketing tools like AspireIQ, BuzzSumo, Upfluence, and NeoReach to streamline your efforts in integrating influencers into your business model. Whichever tool you select, ensure the influencers you engage with have sufficient reach to provide substantial value to your brand, and that the CPA aligns with your budget and objectives.

Strategic Management of Audiences Across Multiple Platforms

In 2024, mastering your audience management strategy is paramount, consisting of both a comprehensive overview and individual platforms. To achieve this, it’s essential to have a clear understanding of your target customer before constructing your audience. Identify the platforms frequented by these user profiles.

Once your ideal target customer is identified, the initial step involves building audiences. Subsequently, formulate a strategy to target individuals across every stage of the funnel, determining the most suitable networks for different audience segments.

An important aspect of this process involves continuous analysis and updates to your audiences throughout the year. Plan for retargeting initiatives and ongoing testing of new audiences. Neglecting this step poses the risk of misdirecting efforts and resources towards the wrong demographic, leading to wasted investments.

On the other hand, consistent retargeting and strategic changes are likely to uncover a dynamic audience aligned with your vision. Ultimately, effective audience management alone can be invaluable, akin to a treasure trove for your business.

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Embrace Video Content

You’re likely familiar with the adage “content is king” in marketing circles. In 2024, a slight revision is in order: “Video content is king.” Video content isn’t just prevalent on social platforms like TikTok, Instagram, and Snapchat; it’s also asserting its dominance in YouTube Ads, with YouTube Shorts experiencing significant growth.

In 2024, marketers should not only prioritize video marketing but also elevate their video strategy to a more sophisticated level.

The focus should be on creating compelling and top-notch video content tailored for each platform it’s intended for. While the idea of producing video content for multiple platforms might seem daunting, remember that even small efforts can yield significant results.

Begin by creating evergreen content about your brand and experimenting with various lengths. This content can be repurposed across multiple platforms, serving both organic and paid video campaigns simultaneously. However, it’s important to maintain variety to prevent users from encountering the same message or content on multiple platforms, which could diminish the effectiveness of your video marketing efforts.

Take Advantage of  The Microsoft Ads

Microsoft Ads consistently elevates its advertising platform year after year, boasting not only many sought-after features akin to Google Ads but also introducing unique additions. In 2024, exploring deeper into Microsoft Ads is a strategic move that can significantly benefit your brand. Over the past twelve months, the platform has rolled out noteworthy updates, including:

Video and CTV Ads: Unveiled in September 2023, Microsoft Ads introduced new ad types consisting of online video ads and non-skippable connected TV ads. This simplifies the once complex process of purchasing TV ads, providing advertisers of all sizes a competitive edge.

New Generative AI Solutions: Also announced in September 2023, Microsoft introduced three AI features to facilitate growth and scalability. These include Compare & Decide ads, Chat API ads, and Copilot campaign creation.

Data-Driven Attribution Reporting: Moving away from the era of last-click measurement, Microsoft Ads enhanced its UET tagging solution by implementing data-driven attribution modeling. Leveraging machine learning, this approach calculates the actual contributions of each ad interaction.

Despite Microsoft Ads holding a smaller share of the available search engines, it’s important to recognize that neglecting this underestimated ad platform means missing out on a plethora of potential customers.

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Use AI Tools for Strategic Advantages

Let’s acknowledge the reality: Machine learning and AI are here to stay. For marketing leaders, 2024 presents a prime opportunity to embrace their benefits rather than shying away from inevitable advancements.

It’s not a matter of whether to integrate AI but rather how to leverage it effectively. As companies tighten budgets and streamline operations, PPC marketers face increasing pressure to achieve more with fewer resources. This is precisely where AI shines.

AI can significantly enhance the ROI of paid media campaigns across various channels, irrespective of your preferences. However, it’s important not to compromise your brand’s identity for the sake of efficiency. One avenue worth exploring is Google’s AI-generated assets (currently in beta). Powered by Gemini AI, this tool facilitates streamlined campaign creation and generates ad assets, including images, headlines, and descriptions.

Moreover, you’re likely already leveraging one of Google’s Smart Bidding strategies to automate the bidding process. By combining creativity with machine learning, your ads possess the potential to reach unprecedented heights in effectiveness.

Prioritize Enhancing the User Experience

With a combination of shorter human attention spans and constrained marketing budgets, each interaction and website experience holds significant weight. If your pre-sale metrics, such as high engagement or a substantial click-through rate (CTR), do not translate into actual sales, the issue likely lies not in your advertising but in the user experience.

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In 2024, consumers demand more from brands, especially when parting with their hard-earned money. If you’re unsure how to begin optimizing your website experience for users, consider these starting points:

  • Use tools like Hot Jar or User Testing for real-life analytics, measuring how customers interact and identifying pain points.
  • Review the website layout on both desktop and mobile platforms – a crucial step often overlooked by many websites.
  • Ensure relevant call-to-actions (CTAs) are prominently displayed, even on mobile screens.
  • Check and optimize your site speed.

These aspects require continuous monitoring and should not be treated as a one-time setup. Optimizing the website user experience can significantly enhance the effectiveness of paid media campaigns, ensuring your advertising dollars go further in the future.

Changes Every Marketer Needs to Implement in Paid Media Marketing

If there’s one lesson the past year(s) have imparted in marketing, it’s the importance of adaptability. In certain instances, tactics once considered reliable have become more unpredictable than ever.

Seize the opportunities presented by AI advancements to enhance your strategic position, and consider revisiting platforms you may have traditionally avoided – the moment may have arrived to integrate them into your 2024 strategy.

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